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Losing a family member is sad at any time. Unfortunately, the stark reality is that if that family member is the main earner, then there could be huge costs that are left to pay for.

Be it outstanding debt, mortgage/ rent commitments, or funeral costs, a life insurance premium will make sure that your family is financially protected, and are able to cover these unexpected costs. During the worst of times, additional financial burden shouldn't be added.

Life insurance also doesn't have to be about covering costs. It can also be about simply wanting to leave a lump sum to your family. Be it leaving your children money as inheritance, or covering University costs, this is possible with a life insurance premium.

Life insurance premiums are usually taken automatically, each month. They may cost a lot less than you imagine - a low as a couple of coffees. There are different types of policy available, which will be succinctly run through on a brief call, and your personal situation also varies the actual monthly cost.

Yes of course - we offer a no obligation life insurance search. We only work with the most reputable life insurance providers in the UK. We have access to many of the largest insurers on the market, and you will not commit to any policy until you have had the chance to fully analyse and confirm the premium offered by them. You are in control.

Our life insurance brokerage is indeed 100% free, and always will be. For full transparency, we are able to maintain our service by receiving a small fee from our panel of life insurance companies, upon signing of your policy.

Yes of course! Our friendly skilled support team will be happy to run through your requirements. Just call 0800 950 6260 and we'll get through the no obligation application in just a few minutes.